Wrestling with a serious policy issue and looking for sound strategic advice and the best possible policy analysis? Looking for an accurate reading of the current edutrends, best practice, and the latest research?
We have the capacity to initiate and to conduct in-depth educational policy research. Our prime mission is to conduct, to commission, and to disseminate research aimed at promoting excellence and higher standards in our publicly-funded education system. We focus on the critical education issues, including student performance standards, school improvement, and strengthening public accountability.
We produce major policy research studies, research papers and articles, and eventually books on issues affecting Canadian education. We focus on critical education issues, including student achievement standards, e-learning, inclusive education, effective teaching practice, democratic governance, student assessment, and public accountability.
Through sound research and critical thinking, we seek to assess the competing claims of the key stakeholders – administrators, teachers, and parents-- as well as to find solutions to some of our thorniest, most perplexing problems. Armed with the latest, best research, we will advocate for needed policy changes and seek to influence and enlist the support of today’s educational leaders and policy-makers.